Old Spanish Proverb

Old Spanish Proverb
Author Unknown

Travel lightly; you are not traveling for people to see you.
Travel expectantly; everyplace you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.
Travel humbly, Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and way of life.
Travel with an open mind. Leave your prejudices at home.
Travel with curiosity. It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quick update on the rest of our April and beginning of May. We both finished teaching and I finished tutoring as well. They were both great experiences for us. 

We also went on another excursion! We took a bus to Atepuerca and visited a geological site. We saw and touched real life fossils and learned some cool stuff about how this site was where they found the oldest Europeans ever. Then we went to Burgos. A city in Spain. We visited a cathedral and the evolution museum. We stayed in a nice hotel and had interesting meals but an a,axing breakfast. We walked part of the Camino de Santiago. It was beautiful. We saw many people doing the actual walk complete with giant backpacks and we said "Buen Camino" as they walked passed us.  

We finished class. It was very sad saying goodbye to our teachers. Especially our teacher Mari Mar who was utterly amazing in every way. 

We had our last pinxto pote with our USAC friends. It was an unforgettable night filled with good food and drinks, laughter and many photos. 

We were visited by Paul and Cindy, Tara's parents and we spent a few days showing them our San Sebastián life. We took them to all the best pinxto bars as well as all the beaches and the scenic hike to Jesus. They also joined us and the rest of USAC at a last cider house trip! We went to a very authentic cider house where the food was impeccable and the cider and txocoli (San Sebastián sparkling white wine) were free flowing. We had such a good time and even got a special surprise from the owner. He is a champion wood chopper and showed us his skills. Don't worry, I brought a piece home. He would have beat anyone in New Meadows. Our last night with our new friends was irreplaceable filled with many photos, jokes, speeches and lots of love. 

After a tearful roommate goodbye Tara and I left San Juan 8 for the last time and caught our taxi to the train station. Tara, her parents and I spent the next five hours sleeping on the train to Madrid. We spent the next day and a half showing them everywhere we knew in Madrid. We saw an amazing flamenco dance and ate some delicious paella as we sipped on calimotxo and sangria. We also Spent a good amount of time walking through the beautiful park, saw the outside of the palace and walked through the market. We showed them all the places we went to while we were here the first time in January and it was cool to see now much we still remembered. 

Staying in the same hotel as we did when we arrived in Spain and spending our last day in Spain in Madrid was really cool. We ended where we started and all of the memories in between are priceless. 

We will forever remember the wonderful five months spent in Spain. We made so many amazing new friends that will stay in our hearts forever. 

Its not goodbye its see you later. 

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